Richard Diehl Martinez

Richard Diehl Martinez

I am a third-year Computer Science Ph.D. student and Gates Scholar at the University of Cambridge. Previously, I worked as an Applied Research Scientist at Amazon Alexa, focusing on language modeling research. I have a M.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Management Science from Stanford University.

My interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, linguistics, and neuroscience. If you're curious, check out some of my papers.

I also publish a bi-weekly NLP newsletter on Substack.

Select Publications

CLIMB – Curriculum Learning for Infant-inspired Model Building, CoNNL 2023 (Best Paper)

We describe our team’s contribution to the STRICT-SMALL track of the BabyLM Challenge (Warstadt et al., 2023). The challenge requires training a language model from scratch using only a relatively small training dataset of ten million words. We experiment with three variants of cognitively-motivated curriculum learning and analyze their effect on the performance of the model on linguistic evaluation tasks. In the vocabulary curriculum, we analyze methods for constraining the vocabulary in the early stages of training to simulate cognitively more plausible learning curves. In the data curriculum experiments, we vary the order of the training instances based on i) infant-inspired expectations and ii) the learning behaviour of the model. In the objective curriculum, we explore different variations of combining the conventional masked language modelling task with a more coarsegrained word class prediction task to reinforce linguistic generalization capabilities. Our results did not yield consistent improvements over our own non-curriculum learning baseline across a range of linguistic benchmarks; however, we do find marginal gains on select tasks. Our analysis highlights key takeaways for specific combinations of tasks and settings which benefit from our proposed curricula. We moreover determine that careful selection of model architecture, and training hyper-parameters yield substantial improvements over the default baselines provided by the BabyLM challenge.

Attention-based Contextual Language Model Adaptation for Speech Recognition, ACL 2021

Language modeling (LM) for automatic speech recognition (ASR) does not usually incorporate utterance level contextual information. For some domains like voice assistants, however, additional context, such as the time at which an utterance was spoken, provides a rich input signal. We introduce an attention mechanism for training neural speech recognition language models on both text and non-linguistic contextual data. When applied to a large de-identified dataset of utterances collected by a popular voice assistant platform, our method reduces perplexity by 7.0% relative over a standard LM that does not incorporate contextual information. When evaluated on utterances extracted from the long tail of the dataset, our method improves perplexity by 9.0% relative over a standard LM and by over 2.8% relative when compared to a state-of-the-art model for contextual LM.

Automatically Neutralizing Subjective Bias in Text, AAAI 2020

Texts like news, encyclopedias, and some social media strive for objectivity. Yet bias in the form of inappropriate subjectivity - introducing attitudes via framing, presupposing truth, and casting doubt - remains ubiquitous. This kind of bias erodes our collective trust and fuels social conflict. To address this issue, we introduce a novel testbed for natural language generation: automatically bringing inappropriately subjective text into a neutral point of view ("neutralizing" biased text). We also offer the first parallel corpus of biased language. The corpus contains 180,000 sentence pairs and originates from Wikipedia edits that removed various framings, presuppositions, and attitudes from biased sentences. Last, we propose two strong encoder-decoder baselines for the task. A straightforward yet opaque CONCURRENT system uses a BERT encoder to identify subjective words as part of the generation process. An interpretable and controllable MODULAR algorithm separates these steps, using (1) a BERT-based classifier to identify problematic words and (2) a novel join embedding through which the classifier can edit the hidden states of the encoder. Large-scale human evaluation across four domains (encyclopedias, news headlines, books, and political speeches) suggests that these algorithms are a first step towards the automatic identification and reduction of bias.


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